Learn how to fall asleep fast in this medical video with 4 scientific steps for how to fall asleep in 2 minutes!
0:00 Intro
0:14 Temperature
0:47 Environment
1:07 Relaxation Technique
1:38 Abraham 25-5 Technique
2:32 Sonnet
2:56 Medical Provider
Most adults need around 8 hours of good-quality sleep a night to function properly - but some need more and some less. What matters is that you find out how much sleep you need and then try to achieve it discover practical tips to fall asleep fast and feel well rested.
Sonnet are a US-based company that understands the importance of sleep for long-term wellness, especially since nearly 1/3 of American adults struggle with sleep. Sonnet are very good friends of the channel and I’d highly recommend visiting their website to learn more about their sleep services. Sonnet thanks for being our trusted sponsor!
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Struggling to sleep? Try this: Relax your face - release tension in your jaw, tongue, and around your eyes. Drop your shoulders, then slowly relax each arm. This signals your body to unwind. Once relaxed, try the Abraham 25-5 Sleep Technique:
1- Close your eyes and count to 25.
2- Open your eyes slightly and count to 5.
3- Repeat the process.
Focus on deep, slow breaths through your nose. This technique helps engage your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming your body down. The combination of counting and breathing relaxes your mind, making it easier to fall asleep. In fact, most people are already asleep after just one or two cycles!
When this method works for you, be sure to give this video a thumbs-up and leave a comment to let me know how it helped!
It's very important that you speak to your doctor about sleep when:
• Changing your sleeping habits hasn't worked.
• You've had trouble sleeping for months.
• Your insomnia is affecting your daily life in a way that makes it hard for you to cope.
• You feel sleepy during the day, or make gasping or choking noises while you sleep – you may have sleep apnoea, which can be serious if not treated.
• If you feel that illness or medication is causing poor sleep. Treating any underlying condition that is causing the problem, if possible, can help to promote sleep. In particular, depression and anxiety are common causes of poor sleep and can often be treated.
For more information please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/insomnia/
All content in this video and description including: information, opinions, content, references and links is for informational purposes only. The Author does not provide any medical advice on the Site. Accessing, viewing, reading or otherwise using this content does NOT create a physician patient relationship between you and it’s author. Providing personal or medical information to the Principal author does not create a physician patient relationship between you and the Principal author or authors. Nothing contained in this video or it’s description is intended to establish a physician patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health.
About this video: Searching how to fall asleep fast? In this video, Advanced Medical Practitioner Abraham Jacobson Khodadi, MPharm(Hons)IPresc MScACP shares this medical video with 4 scientific steps for how to fall asleep in 2 minutes!